
Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 8-Ounce Bottle (Pack of 24) Review

Boost Nutritional Energy Drink, 8-Ounce Bottle (Pack of 24)
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The doctor recommended that my elderly mother get some more good protein into daily caloric intake. The challenge is that its heavy and expensive for her to purchase. Amazon has a good automatic delivery with a competitive cost.

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Coromega Omega-3 Supplement, Orange Flavor, Squeeze Packets, 90-Count Box Review

Coromega Omega-3 Supplement, Orange Flavor, Squeeze Packets, 90-Count Box
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Coromega is a unique form of fish oil. It delivers the Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil in a particularly efficient way, making it the most bioavailable form of fish oil I've ever heard of. It is tested to ensure that it is pure and not contaminated by mercury, or other contaminants or heavy metals. Only quality ingredient are used in its manufacture; it sweetened with stevia, probably the best natural sweetener of all.
Coromega comes in little daily dose squeeze packets that are convenient for travel and that keep it fresh for a long time (unlike some brands that go rancid easily). I carry some in my purse and sometimes take them before a meal out when I'm hungry but have to wait to eat, since they contain 20 calories. Even on an empty stomach, they cause me no digestive upset at all and I love the flavor. The orange is my favorite and doesn't taste at all like fish, but has an orange-y creamsicle flavor. Even children will love this! In this video, I show how to take the Coromega straight from the package.
Coromega does contain eggs, so if you're allergic, you should look for other sources of fish oil.
Amazon's price is fantastic, especially with the Subscribe and Save option, which I am on for this product. [...].
Highly recommended.

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iSatori MX-LS7 Review

iSatori MX-LS7
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This product is one of the best, if not potentially the best out there. I've tried several other thermogenics and none have matched the fat burning power or ease on the body as MX-LS7. I chose this product based on extensive research I compiled on the company and on the ingredients in MX-LS7. iSatoritech is very committed to providing quality products and they go far out of their way to ensure every ingredient is safe and effective. I appreciate the extensive clinical research that went into this product. ( for those who have written negative reviews on this product and/or do not fully understand the purpose of this product, please visit their website and do the research)
I've been taking this product to drop the final stubborn adipose tissue(fat) around my mid-section. So far during the month I've been taking it, I've dropped 7lbs of fat and am close to my body fat% goal. I've maintained a fitness routine of alternating resistance training- cardio-core work outs Mon-Sat, resting on Sundays. I eat 5-6 times a day, focusing on lean protein, tapering off the carbs into the afternoon and evening, always to a satisfied feeling and never to full. I include healthy fats and counter the effects of the sugar conversion of the carbs with enough fiber and a teaspoon of Cinnamon daily ( a little secret I recently discovered... it controls blood sugar levels) I drink more than half my body weight in ounces (160lbs/2 =80-100 ounces) daily. This is very important especially while taking this product.
I want to emphasis how important it is to eat correctly to maximize the effects of this product. I am frustrated to read these reviews from people who obviously do not understand how thermogenix work and how vital it is to incorporate the right diet and fitness practice into taking these.
YOU WILL NOT EXPERIENCE ANY RESULTS IF YOU DO NOT EAT RIGHT AND WORK OUT. The sad truth is most people have no idea how to eat correctly and that it is 80% of the equation when it comes to being fit and healthy, let alone looking it (great abs, ass and everything else about a sexy body) Learn about nutrition people...then go find some resources about the right way to work out and I guarantee you will see results which will thrill you.
This product is incredible. It works. It is comfortable to take as long as you start slow, eat well and maintain a fitness routine. The results are progressive and it will take a concerted commitment to your health in a holistic sense as I mentioned ad nosium so far. DON'T BE A MORON AND TAKE THIS FOR THE STIMULANTS IN ORDER TO HAVE ENERGY AND MENTAL FOCUS...THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS IS FOR! If you want focus and energy,again, learn to eat properly. If you want to burn fat efficiently, are committed to eating well and willing to put in the time fitness-wise, I highly recommend MX-LS7.

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Neera Natural One Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet Kit Review

Neera Natural One Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet Kit
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Weight loss is awesome. I lost 13 pounds in 8 days.
My wife shared this 15 day program with me and we both shared the weight loss experience.
We loved it!
Now this weight loss isn't "water weight" since you drink liquids throughout. * Most common question I get asked. Part of it is the solid food removed from your intestines but overall my face looked thinner and I had to make a new hole in the belt.
Amazing for only 8 days!!!
I got so excited about this and had so many people provide positive feedback that I had to blog about it to share with the world.
"My day by day experience" is documented here:[...]
The negatives are that the taste after a whole becomes boring.
Like over eating on the same food.
My tongue produced some weird layer which I had to remove with a brush - maybe toxins?
Everyone has a different experience so it's hard to suggest exactly how you will feel on it.
Part of it is your psychology which you can control.
Stay strong and optimistic!
Read my blog: [...]
to find ways to stay strong based on techniques I used.
So it works!
I was sceptical of it until I tried. It definitely gives you a different perspective on food afterwards.

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Bob Harper Smart Weight Loss Capsule, 72-Count Review

Bob Harper Smart Weight Loss Capsule, 72-Count
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I was interested in this product given the cachet of Bob Harper has, having appeared on Oprah many times.
But of course, I wanted to investigate the ingredients of this product, something I worry other people will not do.
This product basically has two blends in the same capsule, the "InVegorate Blend" and the "TrimSmart Blend."
Starting by looking at the "InVegorate Blend," I was first struck that if you took this as directed, you would be consuming 540 mg of caffeine per day! That is a lot! For one thing, it is more caffeine than the FDA recommends *anyone* consume in one day. Second, there should be a warning that pregnant women should not consume this for that reason. Third, people taking luvoxamine or levofloxacin should *never* consume this much caffeine as those drugs block the ability to metabolize caffeine, resulting in caffeine overdose. 540 mg is way too much caffeine for anyone, though. And imagine if you were already a coffee drinker and started taking this. You could get close to a caffeine overdose and not even be aware of why unless you read the label.
Next, pomegranate powder. There is some evidence showing a plethora of benefits from pomegranate because of its antioxidants, but these studies were done using juice. I don't know about the effect of pomegranate powder. And I could find no research showing its relation to energy or weight loss.
Next is Goji berry powder. There's very little evidence showing this exotic sounding fruit has benefits. And it is highly dangerous to take it in any concentrated form if you're on warfarin. Companies love to tote exotic sounding fruits with little support for their efficacy, when low-bush blueberries and strawberries, though they sound less exciting, have sound research showing their antioxidant properties.
That rounds out the part of the product called "InVegorate Energy Blend." I have no doubt the caffeine will give you more energy. Why the pomegranate and goji powder is considered part of that blend, I have no clue! No research shows they affect energy levels.
Onto the "TrimSmart Blend" component of these capsules. I first started by researching the individual ingredients and didn't come up with much. But I decided to research them on PubMed, where I see some research has been done on this exact cocktail of ingredients, which apparently come from Islamic traditions. The ingredients were tested for safety and efficacy and were found to be both safe and effective in obese people.
Granted, I only found this *one* study. It refers to another product called Weighlevel, but as you can see that product contains the exact same ingredients as the "TrimSmart Blend" component of Bob Harper's product. Rather than try to restate that study, you can see it here:
I would not use this product because I cannot find more research to support the safety of the ingredients. One study is not enough for me. Maybe there is more I am unaware of. But the caffeine would be a deal-breaker anyway.
Given the research on the "TrimSmart Blend" component and the fact that this will have people buzzing out of control in a caffeine high, I wouldn't be surprised if people lost weight with this product, but it's not for me. More research is needed, and the caffeine should not be present in this product.

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ProLab Caffeine tabs 200 mg Review

ProLab Caffeine tabs 200 mg
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This review is for the actual product itself, and not a statement on caffeine and it's use for dieting. At 100 tabs for around $6, this is a bargain. I've used it for staying awake during long rides home and for long periods of study and work, where time is of the essence. I haven't seen as many people b___ and complain about the consumption of coffee as I have about caffeine tablets. As to why people b___ and complain about the use of caffeine tablets in place of coffee is beyond me.

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2 SlimZil Acai Fat Burner Weight Loss Formula Nice Energy, High potency for Fat Burning 120 Capsules includes Acai Hoodia and Green Tea Review

2 SlimZil Acai Fat Burner Weight Loss Formula Nice Energy, High potency for Fat Burning 120 Capsules includes Acai Hoodia and Green Tea
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This is one of the few things I like to buy on the internet. It really doesnt matter what people say about a product, you just got to try it to see if it is right for you. I first started using these to lose weight. I am 49 and am slowly starting to join the club of people that gain weight. I have pretty good eating habbits but sometimes binge. A couple of months ago, I was consitently carrying around about 12 pounds too much. Since I have been using slimzil, I have lost about 8 pounds. I still use slimzil but now more just for the extra energy.

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Click here for more information about 2 SlimZil Acai Fat Burner Weight Loss Formula Nice Energy, High potency for Fat Burning 120 Capsules includes Acai Hoodia and Green Tea



Bragg's Liquid Aminos Apple Cider Vinegar Review

Bragg's Liquid Aminos Apple Cider Vinegar
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I am 34 year-old male who had terrible side effects (severe constipation) from statins while trying to reduce my cholesterol of 234. I had to quit taking them. A friend at work recommended 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with some juice every day. She said her results shocked her doctor after 2 months. She also said it worked for her sister.
So, I tried it that night, and also wanted to check it out online, because I'm always a skeptic. What I found was that a LOT of people recommend ACV for a whole range of things that interest me. After reading all I've read, and from my personal experience so far, I'm really diggin it. The only side effects I've seen is the taste, and because it is very acidic, people say you should keep it off your teeth as much as possible.
Here's a list of some of the things I've read that it helps dramatically with:
Cholesterol, blood pressure, immune system, detoxification, eczema, migraines, headaches & sinus headaches, hair thinning & hair loss, warts, slow steady weight loss, diabetes, depression, insomnia, increased energy & alertness, infections & cancers, the flu, sinus infections & post nasal drips, allergies & asthma, chronic fatigue, sore throats, arthritis, ulcers, bowel problems & IBS, nail fungus, acne, skin problems & complexion. The list goes on and on, to the point where it sounds WAY too good to be true.
I read several testimonials from teachers and nurses that used to get sick repeatedly, to the point where they thought they'd have to quit their jobs, until they started taking ACV. They claim they don't get sick anymore at all.
Since there really doesn't seem to be any side effects from ACV, I can't think of any reason NOT to try Apple Cider Vinegar. I am curious/anxious to see if it helps with some of my stuff. In particular, I get sick. A LOT. I work in retail and I usually need antibiotics at least 4 times each winter for sinus infections, sore throats and post nasal drips, going back to when I was a kid. Allergies. Cholesterol. More energy and some weight-loss sounds good too! Basically, it seems to clean out your blood and detoxify your body really well, which helps to get the whole machine running like it should.
I've only been on it for 14 days as of this writing, and what I can testify about so far is:
1. Energy/Alertness. I feel really good so far. Many users claim they feel a very persistent boost of energy within a day, and I certainly felt it too, and it hasn't stopped. I've also been sleeping very well. For at least 10 years, (since about when I had mono) I have always felt like I was in a bit of a brain fog. (No jokes please!) Since taking it these past two weeks, I feel very alert with increased energy. It just FEELS like my body and brain are simply "on their game", so to speak.
2. Allergies. When I started taking the ACV, my allergies were already bothering me for a bit, and I've been clear as a bell since the first day. Also, every time I go to my in-laws, my allergies go nuts from their dog. I usually have to start popping Benadryl within a half an hour. This past week, I was there for 2 nights and 3 days and didn't even need 1 pill. My sinuses were totally clear! Was it the ACV? Other people said they had similar quick findings, but I don't want to say for sure. Ragweed season is right around the corner, so we'll see how it handles that.
3. Complexion. ACV supposedly helps clear it up in a slow but steady fashion. My face was breaking out really bad for the past month when my cholesterol pills screwed up my whole system. In addition, I have always had many blackheads on my nose area, no matter what I washed it with. I poured a little bit of ACV on some paper towel and rubbed the area with it like a Stridex Pad, and within 2 days my facial complexion looks better than it has in years. I've never gotten results like this! Again, is it the ACV? I can't say for sure. It could just be that my body is happy I've stopped doing what I HAD been doing. Watch... I'll probably wake up with a big 'ol zit tomorrow morning!
In general, it just feels like I am being detoxed, and natural remedies like this are up my alley. If it helps with just 1 or 2 of these things, with no side effects like my pills gave me- I'll keep at it for a while. I don't want to go around running my mouth until I am positive it is seriously working, but I wouldn't mind hearing if it is working for other people too. So let me know if you try it and what you find, and I'll continue to do the same... I'm a bit of a closet scientist who loves to discuss his data!
The only other things I take daily are a Men's One-a-Day vitamin, Activia (yogurt), Claritin (allergy pill), and a fish oil pill (also good for cholesterol & heart health). I've been taking 2 tablespoons of the ACV mixed with very little water, like a shot, and then I chase it with more water. The bad taste is over in less than 5 seconds- No sweat!
One thing I've read over and over again, is to NOT buy the regular ACV you find in the store. People say that it has been distilled and filtered to make it look more clear- but that just takes out all the nutrients and potency. They say to look for "organic" or "raw" from a health store or farm stand, and it is just as cheap. They say that the cloudier it looks, the better.
Just Google "apple cider vinegar" and you'll quickly find hundreds of user testimonials and advice from around the world, from all types of people. I was skeptical at first, but you have to ask yourself... "Could ALL these people be morons?" Or, "Why would they all lie about a 3 dollar bottle that they aren't making any money from?"
There doesn't seem to be much to lose. If it stops working, I'll stop drinking! I'll write another review after my cholesterol check-up within 2 months, and probably another after I see how it does with colds this winter! Good health!!

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NVE Stacker 3 XPLC Review

NVE Stacker 3 XPLC
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I first discovered this pill at the local gas station, and the cashier told me she took one and it made her vomit. Certainly does create a feeling of nausea if you don't follow the instructions and take it after a meal. And it causes a pain in the stomach if there is no food at all in there.
It takes a little bit of experimenting to know just the right way to use this diet pill. I picked up the 60 pill pack at the local drugstore and it contains 20 vials with 3 pills each, I guess so you can carry 1 vial with you during the day. But it makes abusing the pill tempting, and I can imagine kids daring each other to "just take the whole vial of pills at once man". Because of the euphoria created by the Yohimbe and it's effect of heightening pleasurable activity and skin sensitivity, people will of course tend to abuse this pill. But the caffeine content limits just how much you can handle.
I like it a lot, but here is some advice: Don't take it 4 to 6 hours before bedtime our you will not sleep well unless you have a physically exhausting job like me. If you take more than the recommend dosage all day long, you will be acting a little nuts by the end of the day. For me it tends to make everything very beautiful also.
The Dihydroxybergamottin ingredient slows down the body's ability to metabolize and use drugs, so they act slower and last longer. This can be a very bad thing if you are taking any other drugs of *any kind*.
The only real ingredient in this pill besides the caffeine is the yohimbe. But this pill contains a pure alkaloid extract of the yohimbe bark so the other natural ingredients that provide a synergistic "calming" effect are missing, so it's not at all similar to taking a yohimbe tincture.
To all those who are creative and like to play with herbs, I highly recommend buying yohimbe bark instead and making an extract yourself, and putting that in pills. It's much better without all the caffeine these pills contain and much cheaper.
But overall, I do love this diet pill more than the rest, yet some days it has a stronger effect than others. If you take more than the recommend dosage of this pill and you think "hey man this doesn't do 'nothin at all" then here is a test to prove just how powerful this stuff is --- Squat down and inhale deeply in and out just 3 times, then stand up. You will see stars and may even faint. I'm on my feet for 10 hours straight every day at work, 6 days a week. This pill makes getting through the day much easier and actually enjoyable, but when I stand up too fast I realize just how much of an effect these chemicals have on the body. And like I said, those who enage in 'pleasurable' activities while using yohimbe will really see what this Stacker 3 pill does.

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Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer Review

Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer
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Since getting attached to pedometers a couple of years ago, I've gone through at least a dozen--Digiwalkers, Oregon Scientifics, Omrons. Sometimes the clips would break (Digiwalkers have no spring clip), or the cover would snap off, or they would prove highly inaccurate, or they would be bulky, or they would be too "versatile" and intricate to be practical for someone who was simply looking to get in 10,000 steps for the day. For this reason, I recommended the Sportline 330 as a comparatively rugged, accurate, and inexpensive step counter that, if need be, could be replaced with minimal financial damage.
But recently I saw this "high end" Omron at Walgreen's and thought I'd give it a spin. Its primary allure: it claims to be so sensitive that you don't need to wear it on a belt or some other outer wear. Just drop it in your shirt pocket or purse and forget about it.
Guess what? The Omron people aren't pulling your leg. This is indeed a very sensitive little machine that does what it says it will do, in addition to being fast, easy, convenient, and extremely durable. I decided to test it by walking 30-40 minutes with the Omron in my shirt pocket and the Sportline clipped to my belt. At the end of my walk the Omron and Sportline were within 80 steps of each other. Moreover, it was the Omron that gave me the extra steps (a bonus if you consider the amount of time it takes--practically 2 hours--to log the full 10,000 steps).
The only advanced feature I occasionally use is the memory bank. The device automatically resets to 0 steps while saving the previous day's count in memory (for up to a week). Although I set the clock, I rarely use the other extra features--calorie counter, aerobic read-out, or even distance covered. I don't even bother with things like entering stride length and attaching clips or necklaces. This particular Omron model rises above the field because of one thing: quality. It's accurate, it's easy and fast, and it's dependable if not indestructible (I've sat on it, inadvertently sent it through the wash, dropped it into a bath-tub). It keeps going, as long as you do. If you have a shirt pocket and know how to read from one to 10,000, you're on your way.
You can never have too many good pedometers, but this Omron makes it unlikely you'll need another one any time soon. There's no question in my mind that this is best of breed, the one that Tiger Woods would use even if he had to pay for it and realized no rewards other than the practical and motivational benefits of the device itself. At its current price, it's probably the best buy on Amazon.

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Contents: 1 pedometer, 1 pedometer holder with Spring Clip, 1 Pedometer strap, 1 clip for strap, 1 battery screwdriver, 1 instruction manual, 1 CR2032 battery.The Easy Way to Weight Loss and Improved Health!Walking is a popular and easy way to better health. Reach for a goal of 10,000 steps a day to improve both your physical and mental health. Put it in a pocket, bag or on your waist in the horizontal or vertical position for proven, accurate results.Attain your weight loss quickerThe Omron Pedometer counts total steps, aerobic steps, duration of aerobic walk, calories consumed by walking and distance. 7-Day memory tracks your daily progress. The Aerobic Step CounterAerobic steps means burning more calories, resulting in faster weight loss. In addition, aerobic steps can improve your cardiovascular endurance. The Omron Pedometer tracks aerobic steps separately, making it easier to attain your goals. Aerobic steps start counting after 10 minutes on continuous walking or running.The large display lets you quickly check your progress throughout the day. Now you can see how far you've gone or how many calories you've burned.

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Atkins Day Break Chocolate Oatmeal Fiber Bar, 5-Count Bars (Pack of 2) Review

Atkins Day Break Chocolate Oatmeal Fiber Bar, 5-Count Bars (Pack of 2)
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I'm used to the Atkins bars that have 1-2 grams of net carbs. This bar however has 7 grams of net carbs. It is a delicious bar, much better than most Atkins bars, but you pay for it in a higher net carb count. Those who enjoy good oatmeal/chocolate chip granola bars and can't get into the lower carb Atkins bars will enjoy this, but just be careful of the carb count. The bar is very chewy, like a Quaker Chewy Granola Bar, and a little bigger than the Quaker Chewy Granola Bar. It is smaller than most other Atkins bars though. I love the bar, but won't be buying anymore because I prefer to keep my net carbs down at this point.

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(30 DAY SUPPLY) - Super Strength Ectoplan - Great Diet Supplement Gain Weight For Women - (Weight Gainer MEAL PLAN INCLUDED) "Too Skinny" for curves Review

(30 DAY SUPPLY) - Super Strength Ectoplan - Great Diet Supplement Gain Weight For Women - (Weight Gainer MEAL PLAN INCLUDED) Too Skinny for curves
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OmG!!! im impress by the results. You know, i started to take the tablets from first one. I started to see results after two weeks. Time before I was frustrated because i was soooo skinny and i swear i was underweight about 85 pounds!!! insane. And after 2 weeks taking the tablets, i got up to 92 pnds. Of course following the diet plan estrictly and doing exercise lifting weights. You guys, try it i highly recommend this; i tried many things but this is other thing. TRY IT!!!

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Futurebiotics Hi Energy Multi for Women Review

Futurebiotics Hi Energy Multi for Women
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I love this product! It does not have any stimulants like Ma-huang, or caffeine. This is important since I have Adrenal Exhaustion, and can't have any stimulants that will drain my Adrenals. I only use one pill in the morning, even when the recommendations is for 2. I would be spinning on 2 pills LOL. I have used this product over a year, and I would not go without it.

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Diet Rx - An All Natural Herbal Diet Supplement - for Natural Appetite Suppressant and Control Specially Formulated w/ Green Tea Extract, Hoodia, Ginger Root, Banaba, Choline Bitartrate, Bitter Melon Extract, Fenugreek Seed Extract, Guggul Herb, and 15 Other Natural Herbs that Work for Women and Men, 60 Capsules - Formulated by Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D. Review



South Beach Living Meal Replacement Bars, Chocolate Crisp, 1.76 -Ounce Bars (Pack of 12) Review

South Beach Living Meal Replacement Bars, Chocolate Crisp, 1.76 -Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)
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I don't think I could have stuck to my diet without these bars. 30 lbs so far and still counting. The soy in it just makes me feel good. The fiber is awesome. No need to take fiber pills anymore. They do fill me up. Sometimes I only eat half of the bar and save the rest for later. To me it's the perfect Fast Food. I would have giving them 100 stars. I have been telling all my diet buddies.

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Click here for more information about South Beach Living Meal Replacement Bars, Chocolate Crisp, 1.76 -Ounce Bars (Pack of 12)