
Raw Meal - Beyond Organic Meal Replacement Formula Review

Raw Meal - Beyond Organic Meal Replacement Formula
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Like you, I have also read through existing product reviews on this item and so I felt compelled to let you in on the REAL DEAL behind Garden of Life's, Raw Meal Replacement.
In order to align our thinking, yes I will admit that this Meal Replacement is indeed the worst tasting meal replacement I have consumed. And I will add that the texture is somewhat grainy as well.
My coworker decided one serving was enough for her and so the Meal Replacement was up for grabs. I consumed Garden of Life's, Raw Meal Replacement, for lunch, five days a week for three weeks.
The results were fantastic:
1. Improved digestion.
-Never upset stomach! You feel good.
-This is a packed POWERHOUSE of raw live enzymes that support digestive health and so much more processes in the body.
-Loaded with healthy fiber, your colon is happy, you'll never be constipated, and in fact the good bowel movements are an indication of good gut health.
2. Immune System benefits
-The digestive system is the most important element of the human immune system.
-Raw Meal promotes the immune system by aiding absorption of nutrients.
-Loaded with foods that are nonexistant in the standard American diet, the nutritional benefits support a strong ability to fight viruses, parasites, fungi, and even damaged cells in your body.
3. Great Energy!
-The vitamins, complex carbohydrates, and other nutrients contribute to TRUE energy for the brain and body.
-Feel a positive mood because my body is satisfied.
-I stayed full for at least three hours afterwards.
4. Fat-Loss
-I'll admit, I didn't lose any weight.
-I actually stayed the same weight.
-In fact, I burned fat and GAINED lean-muscle.
5. Raw Nutrients that you won't find ANYWHERE else!
-You are what you eat
-I want to be strong, healthy, and ALIVE!
-Raw Meal helps me achieve a greater state of health.
To sum it up...
If you are looking for a delicious meal replacement, look elsewhere.
But if you are one who truly cares about their health, you can join me in reaping the benefits from Garden of Life's, Raw Meal.
There's too much disease, obesity, and other problems in the world. I strongly believe that the Raw Meal Replacement can be a powerful part of any healthy lifestyle.

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Mega-T Green Tea Dietary Supplement Review

Mega-T Green Tea Dietary Supplement
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I just bought this stuff yesterday and tried it today. I am always scared to take things like this because I am so sensitive to getting jitters and rapid heart beat. I didn't experience that at all but my mood was great and I had tons of energy. I am usually tired all day everyday. I took 1 pill an hour before lunch (so about 11 for me) and have not had the need to take another one because I don't have desire for food at all. How great that it is so cheap too. I have way better things to do with my time then to write a long review on something but I always research things so I am sure that other women do the same and so I hope this has been helpful to you. I am going to continue to try to only take the one pill because I am afraid that 2 will keep me up at night. For the low price tag, it is definitely worth a try.

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Aquadrene 60 Caps -$20.95 DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER Regain Your Body's Balance Review

Aquadrene 60 Caps -$20.95 DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER Regain Your Body's Balance
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This is an amazing product which, if taken as directed, really keeps everything going during diets. It helps to prevent your body from slowing down and becoming sluggish during dieting. In fact, the Sterling Grant website suggests you take this for the last part of a three week cycle, which also includes Lipovarin and Thyrotril.
One cautionary note - it will keep you running to the bathroom! Which, I suppose, is the intent. And, if you take it as directed, with lots of water, it really does get rid of bloating and sluggishness without making you feel faint or wiped out.

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Luna Mini Variety Pack 18 ea Review

Luna Mini Variety Pack 18 ea
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It took me a bit to get used to having something healthy but now I love my Luna Bars! They are just right for a grab and go treat with protein in it, portion controlled, and just for woman!!! Be sure you get Luna mini's.

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I purchased the Orovo Original and 7 DFB combo. I could not take these suppliments. They made me feel strange and I think the 7 DFB was raising my blood pressure. This product may work great for others, but not for me. Be careful before you use.

Click Here to see more reviews about: OROVO ORIGINAL + 7-DFB - NEW POWER DIET PILL COMBO FOR U

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MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Review

MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro
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I have searched for a long time for a good protein drink that can help me gain weight, tastes good, and mixed easily. I tried everything from muscle milk to optimum nutrition to russian bear.
I can put this in my nalgene water bottle with milk (i never use water it provides no protein or fat benefit and it tastes terrible) and i shake it up and it is drinkable without the chunks. It gets annoying to take out the blender every time you want to make a protein shake.
The taste is great. It isnt too chocolaty like most people say about other drinks and it has a great consistency.
Small servings. I've had shakes where you needed to add two three four scoops per serving size. One, one and a half scoops per serving is great.
Lastly this product will definitely help you gain weight. I usually take it after i go to the gym and then at night around nine ten o clock. It says to take three times a day but i would say one or two times a day is fine. I have gained about ten fifteen pounds drinking this and increasing my food intake at the same time.
Doesnt upset your stomach like other drinks.
You need to shake the container before each use because if you dont you'll see when you get towards the end your shakes will just be foam because the stuff settles pretty easily.
Dont drink this product before you go to bed. I drank it a few times like an hour before i was going to go to bed and i could not go to sleep. I contributed my staying up to the sugar content in this because it is relatively high.This is a very good product that i would recommend to couple with working out and a proper diet. Different products work for different people and this one happens to work with me and reacts positively to me whereas others didnt. Just keep trying until you find one that you like and helps you reach your goals.

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Agrolabs Green Envy Daily Detox ,16 Fl.oz.,Bottle Review

Agrolabs Green Envy Daily Detox ,16 Fl.oz.,Bottle
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I didn't know that some people take it for weight loss. I don't know if it is useful for that or not. I have lost a couple of pounds lately, so maybe so.
However, I have been having a long-term problem with indigestion after every single meal for a while. It got so I was afraid to eat anything after 5 PM. I had acid reflux every night. Very uncomfortable.
I started taking this product a couple of weeks ago. I did not follow directions exactly. Supposed to do 3 doses first week, 1 dose daily afterwards. I have been taking 2 doses every day, followed by a large drink of water (about 12 oz.).
I agree it is sort of ugly looking, but it is a small amount and actually I like the taste. Sort of like a grass/fruit juice combination.
Bottom line, I no longer have the terrible indigestion after every meal. That has stopped and so has the acid reflux. At least so far. I am hoping it continues to work for me. My theory is that because I travel a lot and try a lot of exotic dishes (over the last several years) and have occasionally taken rather strong antibiotics a couple of times because of some bug, that perhaps my digestive system got screwed up. The probiotic stuff is what attracted me to Green Envy. I'm guessing that is the cure for my problem. I hope it is a permanent cure because life is miserable when you have to skip things you want to eat or drink in order to avoid pain (not always successfully by the way).
I will update this review later, but for now, I am satisfied.
Respectfully submitted.

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This is not a good product! I wanted something to help me lose weight while my dance studio was closed for a month since I knew my cardio would decrease dramatically. So,I bought 2 bottles based off the reviews I read (personal thought - I think those that posted reviews work/sell the product - shocker). I combined the pills with weight watchers and weight training and nada zip zero zilch! First off: 1 bottle;if you take the max. amount (4/day)= 15 days worth of pills and the min. amount was 2/day = 30 days. So, I tried 2 bottles at the max amount which gave me 30 days. Their "weight loss" regiment that they send you with the pills is a piece of paper that essentially says "Don't eat dairy, drink lots of water, eat healthy and take our pills!" Umm...gee thanks Captain Obvious. I finished my 2 bottles out of spite instead happiness and my waist line is no smaller, my energy no greater. Oh wait what am I saying! Something did shrink...my wallet! Boo - P.S I couldn't post a review unless I gave it a minimum of a star, but do not be fooled I would never give this any stars!

Click Here to see more reviews about: OROVO ORIGINAL - 100% NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS POWER DIET PILL

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Fitness Pedometer with Night-Light Review

Fitness Pedometer with Night-Light
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I bought this and another product from this company and both did not work right. I tried to get some help but at first they told me to replace the battery. I just bought it and it worked twice...
I did change the battery out of frustration and again it worked twice and then died. The company would not get back to me via email but they were quick to tell me to change the battery. I will never but from this company after this.

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Neera Natural Plus Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet Kit Review

Neera Natural Plus Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet Kit
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Weight loss is awesome. I lost 13 pounds in 8 days.
My wife shared this 15 day program with me and we both shared the weight loss experience.
We loved it!
Now this weight loss isn't "water weight" since you drink liquids throughout. * Most common question I get asked. *
Part of it is the solid food removed from your intestines but overall my face looked thinner and I had to make a new hole in the belt.
Amazing for only 8 days!!!
I got so excited about this and had so many people provide positive feedback that I had to blog about it to share with the world.
"My day by day experience" is documented here:
The negatives are that the taste after a whole becomes boring.
Like over eating on the same food.
My tongue produced some weird layer which I had to remove with a brush - maybe toxins?
Everyone has a different experience so it's hard to suggest exactly how you will feel on it.
Part of it is your psychology which you can control.
Stay strong and optimistic!
Read my blog [..]
to find ways to stay strong based on techniques I used.
So it works!
I was sceptical of it until I tried. It definitely gives you a different perspective on food afterwards.

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Metamucil Apple Crisp Fiber Wafers 12-packet - 9.3 oz package (Pack of 3) Review

Metamucil Apple Crisp Fiber Wafers 12-packet - 9.3 oz package (Pack of 3)
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These crunchy fiber wafers look and taste like cookies and they make a good between meal or on the go snack. They have 120 calories per serving and some fat and sugar, but thankfully no artifical sweeteners. If you live on them as a daily supplement, you might get a little tired of them, so it would be great if they came in a variety pack. They are also available in cinnamon, but I am not sure if the pricing options are the same. Also they seem to taste best and it's easier to swallow them when you eat them along with a hot drink such as tea or coffee. If you eat them with cold water (such as in the car on the go), you may find them sticking to your teeth and they may seem gummy in consistency. There may be an adjustment period of a few days while your body gets used to the extra fiber and you may experience some mild abdominal cramping or discomfort. Supposedly Metamucil with psyllium fiber is good for any irregularity, so you may find that they help with both constipation and loose bowel movements. The extra fiber that you incorporate into your diet may be helpful in reducing bloating and reducing your calorie intake. For another helpful addition, try Mestemacher's varieties of whole grain German breads - also available on Amazon for a good price in a 12-pack. Also add nuts and chia seeds for additional fiber and nutrition.

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With 100% Natural Psyllium Fiber. Artificially flavored. No. 1 doctor recommended. You won't believe how delightfully crisp & crunchy Metamucil Wafers are! They're the convenient way to get the fiber you need. Wrapped individually in single servings to go

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Elite Mass Review

Elite Mass
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This is my 4th box of this product. I think it's great, very drinkable. I have gained about 15 pounds total while taking it. You have to keep eating, it's not going to do all the work for you. It just adds 600 calories per drink, so I have 2 or 3 a day. It also has creatine, glutamine, BCAA, and the needed fats. It has very little lactose in it so it doesn't bloat very much. Very excellent gainer in my opinion. I really like the Dymatize products but this is one of the best.

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Accuflora- Probiotic Acidophilus Dietary Supplement, 240 Caplets Review

Accuflora- Probiotic Acidophilus Dietary Supplement, 240 Caplets
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I have both irritable bowel syndrome (type A) and ulcerative colitis. I am also lactose intolerant. Before I discovered Accuflora, I suffered miserably every day with poor digestion and absorption of food; embarassing symptoms of alternating constipation and diarrhea; lower abdominal cramps; excessive bloating/gas; and constant urges to empty the bowel. Today, my digestion and absorption of food is normal, including dairy products(!); those embarassing IBS symptoms are gone; I haven't had a colitis "flare up" in months; and my bowel movement is regular.

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Dynamic Health Labs Mangosteen Juice Review

Dynamic Health Labs Mangosteen Juice
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I personally know several people who recently tried this new 100 percent mangosteen juice. The juice is "Mangosteen Queen" sold at the mangosteenjuice.ws that is similar to the Dynamic Health Gold mangosteen.
These individuals report higher energy levels probably due to sleeping better and disappearance of pains they have had prior to drinking these type of mangosteen juices.
One even received comments of looking ten years younger without soliciting for it.
I for one lost my suceptibility to allergy due to pollen in the fall; something I have had for many decades. I must admit that I only drank this pure mangosteen for maybe at most 3 days at a time for perhaps 4 times since August due to cost. Drinking it even inconsistently at 1/2 to 2/3 cup a day has its rewards apparently.

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Optimum Nutrition Glutamine 1000mg Review

Optimum Nutrition Glutamine 1000mg
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Glutamine is excellent for heartburn and other gut maladies. Also good for Immunity, stress, depression, moodiness, irritability, anxiety and stamina. Take on am empty stomach for best absorbency. You should notice a difference in a week or two. Cheaper than Nexium & other Rx. This is the highest potency I have been able to find (you may not need this much, I used to take only 500mg/day for heartburn and that was effective).

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I'd always been weary of products like these, but I decided to try it a few weeks before a big event. I was good the first week and lost about 5lbs. Someone mentioned an increase in heart rate -- I didn't experience that at all. I felt perfectly fine, and actually even better. It really forced me to drink the amount of water that I should be drinking, and I felt cleansed and more energetic. I only lost 5lbs the first week, probably because I wasn't eating healthy at all -- ordering pizza, eating frozen pizza, lots of carbs.
The second week (off the pill) still felt great and continued to lose a bit. Then I took a trip where the big event was. On a vacation, it's difficult keeping up with a routine that you have at home. So I wasn't able to complete the third week (second week on the pill).
I was very pleased that it did what it was meant to for me. No complications at all. I feel like it really did clean my system a bit, like a detox should. And I lost some weight like the product promised.
I plan to start using it again to help me get to a healthy weight that I can maintain on my own.


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