
Dymatize Nutrition Mega Gainer Powder Review

Dymatize Nutrition Mega Gainer Powder
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I'm really surprised that no one has reviewed this gainer. This one is the best gainer I have tried. First things first, I did not gain weight but that was my fault for being lazy on my daily calorie intake. Why this is the best gainer 1. 60 grams of protein 2. Has creatine 3. Low on fat 4. Serving size is reasonable (152g) 5. 81 grams of carbs!! 6. Low on sugar 7. Reasonably priced. 8. Mix-ability is decent. The only complain I have about it is that I should have gotten one with no creatine cause im trying to get off it. Also, it's not easy to find. You prob better off just ordering it online, got mine on nutrition depot.

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Emergen-C Review

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The minute I start feeling early symptoms of a cold, I start chugging this plus Echinecea supplements. Within a day or two, the symptoms are gone. If I'm already sick, I take this and the cold goes away faster. It tastes pretty good. You can make hot or cold drinks with it. I've only tried it cold and it's not grainy or gross at all. It's almost like a fruit flavored drink. I have friends who like to make it into a kind of tea and it works for them. So far, everyone I know who has tried this product has loved it.

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FRS Healthy Energy Liquid Concentrate, 32-Ounce Bottle Review

FRS Healthy Energy Liquid Concentrate, 32-Ounce Bottle
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I have been ordering this product from the FRS website for a few months now, (FRS.com) and it does work! you can find all kinds of information from their site, but order from amazon, it cost less.
I do believe that this has helped me maintain my weight loss as it certainly does boost my metablolism. I feel such a difference when I use it on a regular basis. I use the orange concentrate, mix with club soda, or diet ginger ale and it is so refreshing.
I don't care much for the chews, they have a somewhat bitter flavor to them, and they are higher in calories if you are counting.
I can't endorse this product enough, and I am not getting paid for it!

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FRS Healthy Energy Concentrate is the perfect solution if you consume FRS on a regular basis and prefer to drink FRS in beverage form. The concentrate is also a great addition to your favorite smoothie, seltzer water or juice blend. Each serving of FRS Energy Concentrate is powered by 250mg of quercetin -- a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables.


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Alli Weight-Loss Aid, Orlistat 60mg Capsules, 150-Count Starter Pack Review

Alli Weight-Loss Aid, Orlistat 60mg Capsules, 150-Count Starter Pack
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Don't expect some pill to magically take the weight away to never-ever land. It takes time and exercise.
But this pill helps.
You do loss much more weight and the quick results are encouraging.
But if you don't eat a low fat diet, you will have issues controlling your bowels and it will end up on your pants.
My husband started at 360, 4 weeks later he's at 320.
I started at 165 and now I'm at 156.
Unless you are committed and capable of loosing some weight with out the pill, don't bother wasting your money.

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alli is a 60mg orlistat capsule. But it's more than just a pill. It's an innovative weight loss program that works with you, not for you. alli can help you lose 50% more weight than dieting alone, but you have to do your part by changing the way you eat. The alli program starts with your commitment to adopting healthy eating habits. It combines the only FDA approved, over-the-counter weight loss product with an individually tailored support plan to help you achieve gradual and healthy weight loss. When you take alli along with a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet, you can lose 50% more weight than dieting alone. For example, instead of losing 10 pounds with diet alone, you can lose 15 pounds with the alli program.
alli is safe - it works in your digestive system, not in your heart or brain. It will not cause jitters, sleeplessness, or a racing heart. You can't just try alli - you have to commit to it.
More information can be found at myalli.com, where you can also talk to alli users, registered dietitians, pharmacists, and fitness experts on the alli message board. Or talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or dietitian to help determine if you're ready. Typically, enzymes in your intestines break down fat from food so your body can absorb the fat. But the active ingredient in alli attaches to some of these enzymes and prevents them from digesting about a quarter of the fat you eat. Because undigested fat can't be absorbed, it passes out of your body instead of turning into calories. The main side effect occurs when you eat a meal with too much fat while taking alli. If so much fat is blocked that your stool can't absorb it, you might have side effects. Because they are not harmful, we call them "treatment effects." These include loose or more frequent stools, an urgent need to go to the bathroom, or gas with an oily discharge. The excess fat that passes out of your body is in no way harmful. In fact, you may recognize it as something that looks like the oil on top of a pizza. Treatment effects can be lessened if you stick to reduced-calorie, low-fat meals that average 15 grams of fat per meal.
Don't use alli if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have had an organ transplant, or if you are taking cyclosporine.
Do not take alli if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in alli capsules.
Ask a doctor before using alli if you are taking warfarin.
Do not take alli if you are not overweight.
You can take up to three alli capsules per day, one with each meal containing fat.
Take a multivitamin daily while taking alli capsules to ensure adequate absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta carotene.
Losing weight is easier with support. That's why the alli program includes an individually tailored online plan called myalliplan. myalliplan offers free individualized support and was developed by nutritional and weight management experts who understand the struggle to lose weight. When you register with myalliplan, you receive:
A customized online action plan.
Personalized emails that deliver lessons about meal planning, managing hunger, dealing with setbacks, and making food and lifestyle changes to help you succeed.
Menus and shopping lists.
Online tools to record your progress.
Connection to a network of other alli users.
You may have a better chance of success when you enroll in a customized, interactive support plan. If you decide that you're ready to commit to the alli program, purchase the alli starter pack. This package contains portable reference guides to help you follow the alli program. The starter pack also includes a carrying case, called the alli Shuttle, to make it easy to take your alli capsules with you.
The in-pack guides, together with myalliplan, deliver the support to help you reach your weight loss goals, and teach you how to eat healthy for a lifetime.
With the myalliplan diet tool trial, you'll receive a 10-day access pass to interactive tools that can help you plan meals, get active, manage calories, and more. You'll also get a sneak peek at how myalliplan can provide you with guidance from experts to help you achieve healthy weight loss.

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Slimming Green Coffee 800 Original Leptin Review

Slimming Green Coffee 800 Original Leptin
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I started to drink the coffe green 30 min every morning before breakfast, First couple hours did not notice anything...in the afternoon I started to feel less hunger and so and so...It has been a week and now I have more control of what I eat because I am not that hungry, I choose better food and I feel great, I started to go to the gym and I am very content to tell you that I am down to 3 pounds in one week...That is good for me, I don't want to go crazy,little by little works!!!

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CliniSlim ~ Clinical Strength Weight Loss Formula. Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days Review

CliniSlim ~ Clinical Strength Weight Loss Formula. Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days
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I have taken quite a few diet supplements and these are the worst I have ever used. I took them for about 2 weeks before I could not stand that headaches and severe dehydration they caused. The only weight they help you lose is water weight. I took them as directed, and steadily drank water all day - and always had cotton mouth and a headache at about 4 pm on everyday (which made going to the gym after work difficult).
After the initial drop of about 2-3 lbs the first few days (which again was water weight obviously) I did not find that they gave any extra boost to my sensible diet and exercise regimine. I discontinued use and wish I paid the extra $5.00 so that I could return them for a refund from the official site w/in 30 days...total waste of money.

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Leptin Green Coffee 800 *Original* Review

Leptin Green Coffee 800 *Original*
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I started using this product to lose weight and the first 3 days were fantastic! No hunger, no cravings, just thirst. Everything was great until i started getting the worst stomach pains and diarrhea. I thought it was something i ate, so i kept taking it for about 4 days but they were getting worse, i had to run to the bathroom and the pains were intolerable. After i stopped taking this product i kept having the diarrhea and pains every time i ate something for 9 days, so i had to go to the doctor where they asked me what caused it and i said the leptin green coffee. He tells me i was the 3rd patient this month with the same problem. They flushed my colon, gave me antibiotics and a special diet and I'm still battling the symptoms of this terrible "diet aid" . It's main ingredient is chromium, which basically causes terrible diarrhea and thats how you are supposed to lose the weight. My colon is irritated and even if i eat an apple i have to run to the bathroom. I don't wish this unto my worse enemy, so please beware and save yourself the $3000 bill from the doctor.

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Green Tea 500 mg 100 Caps Review

Green Tea 500 mg 100 Caps
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I have been taking the green tea supplement for 4 weeks, twice the dose that the bottle recommends, walking 20 minutes daily and have lost 21 lbs. without any change in my diet. (I still enjoy the occasional cheeseburger and fries). I have yet to found another supplement that yielded that kind of result. I don't know if the weight loss was due to the walking or the green tea, or the combination, but I do suggest trying this routine. Swanson Vitamins is the most inexpensive source I have found (with fast mail delivery) and walking is really kind of addictive. I had a hard time at first going out to walk, but wanted to see if the plan would work and I can easily say, it did. Good luck to you! One thing I can say with certainty, is that the supplements I have purchased from Swanson have been cheaper than most and still effective.

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Health from the Sun The Total EFA, Capsules Review

Health from the Sun The Total EFA, Capsules
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I love this product. I have been taking it for about 3 years now and have started my husband on it. I find it just improves overall health and awareness.

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PHatea Single Roll of Tea-20 Day Supply Review

PHatea Single Roll of Tea-20 Day Supply
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Like a lot of Americans I was pretty much addicted to coffee. I quit from time to time, but until PHatea was not able to find a satisfying alternative. Here's the deal: Medical benefits coffee - zero. Medical benefits Phatea - huge and documented. Cost savings $600 per year, minimum. It didn't take long to appreciate the new taste. I've done a really good thing for myself. Very satisfying. How's about you?

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AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse Review

AdvoCare Herbal Cleanse
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The fiber drink was very gritty--bad taste, I dont know how good cleanse actually was--did not lose weight while doing cleasnse

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Stoney Brook Botanicals Shampoo Review

Stoney Brook Botanicals Shampoo
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I'm into the whole natural thing, so I bought this shampoo 'cause it looked like a good natural product, and it is. I love the way it suds up and you don't even need that much, makes my hair feel soft and silky - which means a lot 'cause I've got some crazy naps on my head... but the weirdest thing about this shampoo is that it just doesn't have a smell, yeah yeah, I know it's unscented, but usually those things have funky chemical smells, and this one is just like, I feel it, see it, hear it, but can't smell it, pretty cool...
happy shampooing everyone

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Adipril ~ Clinically Proven Weight Loss. Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days Review

Adipril ~ Clinically Proven Weight Loss. Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days
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I would not recommend this product. I like that the ingredients are natural, but I wanted weight loss and did not get it. Regardless of whether it is 'clinically proven', it just does not seem to be effective!

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Xenadrine Cleanse Plus Review

Xenadrine Cleanse Plus
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For a fraction of the cost but did an awesome job of helping me clean my system and better monitor my water intake... I am ordering another right now !!!

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TwinLab - Daily One Caps with Iron Review

TwinLab - Daily One Caps with Iron
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Many years ago, I did a lot of research trying to decide which multi-vitamin would be the best one for me, and chose TwinLab Daily One.
I don't like taking pills since I have trouble swallowing them, so I ruled out any that needed to be taken more than once a day, even though it really is more beneficial to take vitamins in divided doses.
My other requirements were:
1. Capsules, because they are fully assimilated in the body, unlike most pressed tablets that also require additional unwanted fillers.
2. Must contain at least minimally optimal amounts of the most beneficial vitamin/mineral/supplements.
3. Quality/Reputable Company. An MD (not affiliated with, or endorsing TwinLab) noted that TwinLab uses pharmaceutical quality ingredients and processing methods. I'm sorry I don't remember who it was (but it was in a book I was was reading about a specific health issue that this Dr. also experienced), but I thought I should mention it because it did influence my decision to purchase this.
3. Affordable
1. I usually get TwinLab Daily One Caps Multi-Vitamins and Multi-Minerals without Iron, Capsules, 180-Count Bottle and alternate them with these because I don't want to get too much iron, but I don't eat many iron-rich foods, so depending on my diet I take these a few times a week.
2. I do recommend and supplement these with 2x's/day Carlson Laboratories - Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Lemon, 16.8 fl oz liquid for important Omega-3's and Chewable Calcium Citrate with Magnesium that I get from VitaCost. There are other supplements that I take, but I think these seem to be the most universally important to note.
3. If you don't mind taking them twice a day, TwinLab Daily Two Caps, with Iron, Capsules, 180 capsules or TwinLab Daily Two Caps, without Iron, Capsules, 180 capsules are a good choice.
Bottom Line: If you are looking for a once-a-day multiple vitamin I recommend this one or the one without iron.

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